What are Cannabinoids? Benefits And More

Cannabinoids OIL

What are Cannabinoids? Benefits And More

Have you been learning about weed and its associated products? If you have, you may have come across quite big terms, such as cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). You may have learned a lot of information about these small three-lettered words, or you may not have much information about them except that they are derived from cannabis. Now that you are here, the level of your knowledge doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you literally landed at the right place. Here, we will let you learn more about these and more substances derived from the cannabis and hemp plants. Our easy-to-follow guide about cannabinoids will help you learn more about CBD and THC, among other chemical compounds derived from the cannabis tree.

Cannabinoids: At the center of the cannabis plant

Have you ever asked yourself why the cannabis plant is so popular, yet the world is full of other plants? The numerous and significant therapeutic effects of this plant are the reason why everyone is talking about the weed plant. What makes it cause these therapeutic effects? You see, the weed plant is a small home to over 480 chemical compounds, which are responsible for all the effects associated with the cannabis plant. These compounds are classified into cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes, Flavonoids and terpenes are common in all plant types, and they are the chemicals that give different plants their distinct smells and tastes. Therefore, they are not uniquely attributable to the cannabis plants, meaning they are not the exceptional reason behind the popularity of cannabis and not any other plant. Cannabinoids are at the center of the popularity of the cannabis plant because they are only available in the cannabis and hemp plants. These are so essential that without them, the weed plant would not be priding in the so many health benefits. It would be just like any other plant you see around.


So, what are cannabinoids?

Well, let us now narrow it down to cannabinoids. As indicated earlier, the weed plant has more than 480 chemical compounds, some of which are cannabinoids. Out of these chemical compounds, over 60 are known as cannabinoids. Among the most popular cannabinoids are CBD and THC. However, scientists are studying more of these cannabinoids.

These chemical compounds (cannabinoids) are the active ingredients in the cannabis plant that are responsible for how the plant affects users, regardless of whether there are utilizing it to treat illnesses or using it for recreational purposes. The chemical compounds can affect the brain and body incredibly because cannabinoids interact with your endocannabinoid system to produce the effects associated with weed consumption.

How do these cannabinoids work?

Cannabinoids typically work by interacting with your endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is composed of three parts, each playing a distinct role. The components are the endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and enzymes that are behind the production, as well as the destruction of endocannabinoids.

With regard to cannabis, the essential elements are the cannabinoid receptors, the primary ones being the CB1 and CB2 receptors. These elements are found all through the body, and they interact with cannabinoids to help your body maintain internal balance. The endocannabinoid system also helps regulate some of the very critical aspects of your health, including body temperature, appetite, heart rate, blood pressure, inflammation, energy, memory, mood, pain response, and muscle control. Immune response, thirst, and sleep are additional activities that the system controls.

When you use cannabinoids from the weed plant, they act on the receptors, producing the benefits associated with marijuana. The cannabinoids in the cannabis plant are the same as the ones your body produces. When you consume the cannabinoids from the weed plant, they will emulate the cannabinoids naturally produced in your body. They then interact with receptors and other components of the endocannabinoid system.


What are the medical advantages of cannabinoids?

The history of marijuana has come a long way, and we are yet to see more of it. What is particularly fresh in our minds is that for years the consumption of this plant was banned across the world, with most people thinking that the consumption of marijuana was just for the users to get “high.” However, while most of us were limited to this knowledge, some other people were making great discoveries about this plant. They discovered that the cannabis plant did not just have psychoactive effects. Instead, they found out that cannabis was a wonderful remedy for a broad range of health problems. As other individuals found that cannabis eased their pain, others established that they became calm following a bout of anxiety. With time, anecdote reports, as well as scientific studies regarding the therapeutic benefits of marijuana, have been growing. Doctors, as well as researchers, are finding that apart from being a recreational drug, marijuana has incredible medicinal properties.

Among the currently known benefits of cannabinoids are:

  • Eradicating inflammation and pain, particularly from illnesses including fibromyalgia, neuropathy, arthritis, and glaucoma
  • Enhancing appetite among individuals suffering from cancer and HIV to help curb extreme weight loss
  • Reducing seizures associated with some forms of epilepsy
  • Treating mental conditions, including bipolar disorder, stress, depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Treating diabetes symptoms, including high blood sugar
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Treating cancer symptoms through killing cancer cells, diminishing the size of cancer tumors, curbing nausea associated with chemo treatment, and slowing down the growth of cancer cells

Thankfully, these uses have the backing of scientific evidence. Moreover, cannabinoids are being considered for more potential future uses. A number of cannabinoids are under scientific study as a probable treatment for immune system diseases, including Lupus, HIV/AIDS, and Multiple sclerosis.

The most researched and popular cannabinoidsCannabinoids

It is quite difficult to understand the influence of cannabis without conducting an analysis of how each cannabinoid acts in isolation or in combination with others. The reason for this is that several cannabinoid types exist, with each having its distinct benefits and unintended outcomes. On the other hand, although each of these chemical compounds has its distinct benefits, they can work in combination to produce even better results through a process called the entourage effect.

As indicated earlier, the most researched and popular cannabinoids are CBD and THC. If you have been a weed enthusiast for a while, you have probably heard about these cannabinoids several times. Whenever one talks about the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, they are most likely referring to THC or CBD.

Generally, Delta THC 10 is at the center of the medicinal value of the cannabis plant. Additionally, THC is responsible for the “high” effect that is associated with the plant. CBD is also popular for its medicinal properties. Most importantly, CBD is preferred among weed enthusiasts because it does not result in intoxication even when used in high doses. Although there are several other cannabinoid types, CBD and THC are more known and studied. They are the most abundant ones.

Emerging cannabinoids

As more studies pay attention to the therapeutic benefits of the cannabis plant, more and more chemical compounds are being discovered and researched for their effect on the human body. Continue reading below to find some of the emerging cannabinoids and their potential medicinal uses.

  1. Cannabigerol (CBG)

Surprisingly, Cannabigerolis considered the mother of all the other cannabinoids. Why? Although THC and CBD begin as THCA and CBDA, respectively, the parent cannabinoid to all of them (THC, CBD, THCA, and CBDA) is CBGA, the precursor to CBG. CBGA is turned into either THCA, CBDA, or CBCA through an enzymatic process. At about three weeks of the weed plant’s flowering cycle, the CBG molecule also starts to develop. As CBG is exposed to UV, it begins to convert to other cannabinoids, including THC, CBD, and CBS, at about 6 weeks of the flowering cycle. In essence, all naturally occurring cannabinoids begin their lives as a CBG molecule. If the cannabis plant converts its CBGA to a large part of THC, then the plant will have lower volumes of other cannabinoids. Like CBD, CBD and CBGA are not psychoactive. Experts have established that CBG may treat several health issues, such as glaucoma, colorectal cancer, and inflammation.

  1. Cannabinol (CBN)

Some of the CBN cannabinoids come from CBNA, which naturally occurs in the cannabis plant, but most of it is derived from breaking down THCA. CBN is among the minor cannabinoids, but it is loaded with some powerful therapeutic properties. Some of the health benefits associated with the consumption of CBN are pain relief and reduction of eye pressure among individuals suffering from glaucoma. Thankfully, you don’t need to worry about intoxication because CBN is believed to be either completely non-psychoactive or slightly psychoactive.

  1. Delta 10 THC

This is also an additional minor cannabinoid found in minute amounts in the hemp and weed plants. The cannabinoid cannot be extracted in big amounts from the weed plant. Instead, the chemical compound is formulated in a laboratory. It has the same chemical structure as Delta 9 THC, but it has different effects on your body. You will experience a stimulating and euphoric experience, but its “high” is not overwhelming.

Final Thought

As you have seen, cannabinoids are the main contributors to the therapeutic benefits of the cannabis plant. Without these chemical compounds, the weed plant would be just like any other plant out there. The plant has numerous cannabinoids, but CBD and THC are the most popular. As you think about consuming cannabis products, consider their composition and the effects they are likely to have on your body.



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