Healthy Habits to Teach Your Kids For Good Health

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It’s no secret that our kids are growing up faster than ever before. For many parents, this means one thing: They need to be constantly entertained. But what does that mean for their physical and mental health?


  1. Brushing twice a day


Kids need to brush their teeth twice a day for good oral health. Here are some healthy habits to teach your kids:


– Brush your child’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste before bedtime. This will help protect their teeth from decay at night.

– Use a pea size amount of toothpaste and apply it to the toothbrush. Rub the bristles around each tooth in a circular motion.

– Spit out the suds once you’ve brushed all of your teeth, and rinse your mouth with water.


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  1. Bathing every day


Most kids don’t take the time to bathe every day.  Here are some healthy habits to teach your kids:


– Start young by encouraging your children to take a bath every day when they wake up.


– Make sure the bathtub is always clean and free of bacteria.


– Add a little bit of soap to the water and lather up. Let your child rinse off completely before getting out of the tub.


  1. Eat breakfast


Whether you’re new to the whole “eating breakfast” thing or just need a little help getting your kids on board, here are some healthy habits to teach your kids!


Start the day with a nutrient-rich breakfast that will set you up for success all morning long.


Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie: Blend 2 ripe bananas, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, and 8 ounces of unsweetened yogurt or milk until smooth. Enjoy immediately!


  1. Hand wash


Children are naturally curious and want to learn about and explore their world. Teaching children the importance of handwashing is an important part of this.


Here are some tips for teaching your kids about handwashing:


1) Start early – start introducing good hand hygiene habits from a young age by having your children learn how to wash their hands correctly from a very early age.

2) Use illustrated instructions – make it fun for your kids by using clear and concise illustrations when explaining how to wash their hands.


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  1. Drink water, not soda


To keep your family healthy and happy, it is important to instill healthy habits in your kids.

Here are five easy ways to get your kids drinking more water:


1) Make a Habit of Drinking Water Before Each Meal


One of the best ways to get your kids to drink more water is to make a habit of drinking water before each meal.

2) Encourage Them to Drink More fluids during hot weather


During hot weather, children need to drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated. This means that they should avoid drinks with caffeine or sugar, as these will dehydrate them quickly.


3) Make Water Bottles a Part of Daily Life


Another great way to get your kids to drink more water is by making water bottles a part of daily life. This way, they will be forced to drink more than if the bottles were simply given away as rewards for good behavior.


  1. Regular physical activities


Physical activity should be a regular part of children’s lives. Here are six healthy habits to teach your kids:


  1. Get moving! Start by getting your family members moving together in a group. This can be as simple as taking a walk around the block or going for a power walk in the park.
  2. Dance! Dancing is one of the best ways to get your heart rate up and release endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel good. Try different types of dances to find ones your family enjoys.


  1. Read every day


If you want your kids to be healthy, there are a few things you can do. Start by reading every day. When you read, it engages your mind and makes you think about what you’re reading.

Reading also helps improve your vocabulary, which is important for when they start school. Another great way to help your kids be healthy is to have them get a good amount of exercise.


  1. Family time


Kids are one of the most important parts of a family’s health and well-being. Learning healthy habits from a young age can set the foundation for a lifetime of good health. Here are eight healthy habits to teach your children:

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  1. Get enough exercise:

Regular physical activity is essential for both kids and their parents. Kids who get regular exercise have lower rates of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses in adulthood.


  1. Eat healthfully:

Children are especially vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies if they don’t get enough healthy food in their diets.


  1. Get enough sleep:

Getting adequate sleep is critical for both kids and their parents. In addition to helping children focus during school, good sleep helps regulate moods and reduce stress levels overall.


  1. Avoid harmful substances:

Children shouldn’t be using tobacco or alcohol at any stage of their development – not even cigars or light beer!


  1. Spend time with friends


One of the best ways to keep your kids healthy is by setting good examples for them.  Here are some tips to help you live a healthier life:


  1. Eat healthily: Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat proteins, and minimal amounts of saturated fat.
  2. Exercise: Participate in regular physical activity such as walking, gardening, or swimming. Make time for vigorous exercise every day.


  1. Stay positive


The key to a healthy life is maintaining a positive attitude. To teach your kids the importance of staying positive, try out some of these healthy habits.

Smile every day

Smiling can make you feel good both physically and emotionally. When you smile at people, it sends a message that you are happy and content.

Eat mindfully


When we eat, our brain releases dopamine, which is known as the “happy hormone”. Not only will eating mindfully give you all of the important nutrients your body needs, but it will also help regulate your moods and keep stress levels low.


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